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  1. Natural Hair Round Artist Brushes (17)
  2. Synthetic Hair Round Artist Brushes (4)
  1. $0.0000 - $10.0000 (20)
  2. $30.0000 - $40.0000 (1)

Round Artist Brushes

At Torrington Brush Works, we carry a full assortment of round artist brushes to help you in all of your art projects. If you are looking for artist brushes designed for fine art projects using oils, water colors or acrylics, we have the brushes you are looking for. If you are refinishing a piece of furniture or working on a lettering or stencil project, we have these brushes as well. Torrington Brush Works has what you are looking for every craft and fine art project you have in mind.

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  1. Stencil Brushes

    Stencil Brushes
    Starting at: $1.9700

  2. Taklon Quill Point Brushes

    Taklon Quill Point Brushes
    Starting at: $4.9900

  3. White Bristle Round Marking Brushes

    White Bristle Round Marking Brushes
    Starting at: $0.6800

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