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Hand Operated Tube or Hole Cleaning Brushes

Hand Operated Tube or Hole Cleaning Brushes

Torrington's hand operated tube and hole cleaning brushes are manufactured to diameters most popular to industry throughout the country. These brushes are excellent for applications such as cross-hole de burring and honing of valve bodies and fittings for gas, air and hydraulic applications, honing and removal of tool marks in die work. They are also recommended for the de burring of all manner of drilled or cross-drilled, bored or reamed holes in delicate work requiring high quality internal surface finishing, honing and de burring. Please ensure all hand operated tube brushes are never used in power driven applications and only used by hand.

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  1. Slant Fin Brushes

    Slant Fin Brushes
    Starting at: $3.8200

  2. Item 06112 - 3/4" Fitting Size Stainless Steel

    Stainless Steel Refrigeration and A/C Brushes
    Starting at: $3.5900

  3. Tampico Radiator Tube Brushes

    Tampico Radiator Tube Brushes
    Starting at: $5.9800

  1. Tapered Stiff White Nylon Bristle Tube or Spout Brush

    Tapered Stiff White Nylon Bristle Tube or Spout Brush
    Starting at: $1.9400

  2. White Nylon Sight Gauge Glass Brushes

    White Nylon Sight Gauge Glass Brushes
    Starting at: $2.0100

  3. Xtra Long 21" Handle Black Bristle Tube Brushes

    Xtra Long 21" Handle Black Bristle Tube Brushes
    Starting at: $3.2800

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